I am astounded by the daily machinations of this fascinating and strangely engaging place. Everything is so incredibly different to what we are used to back home. The following are some of the things that catch my attention as we travel from the guesthouse to our various venues (between Noida and Delhi). I snap everything from our moving vehicle (by moving I mean varying between screeching stops and flying accelerations, punctuated by hoots and various other road sounds)
Getting around Delhi is an adrenalin rush all of its own. The traffic is intense, and unlike in South africa, where hooting is an irritation, reserved for emergencies, here it is a necessary evil which helps to get you through the "jams". There is absolutely NO heeding of lane markings, and yet there are no, or very few, accidents! We were all terrified on our first few journeys, but now we have a wonderful driver, Kaku, who is most competent, and we just sit back and enjoy the ride (so to speak!).
Motorbikes are a very commonly used mode of transport. Helmets are worn mainly by men ( if they are driving). Quite often the passengers do not have helmets, and certainly women usuually don't.
These are a range of little shops in the service lane which runs in front of the studio where we are recording the album. There is a constant stream of traffic and customers. You can buy just about anything here and all prices (except at the more formal little supermarket where bar codes are used) are negotiable.
Contrasts as you enter Delhi:

Getting around Delhi is an adrenalin rush all of its own. The traffic is intense, and unlike in South africa, where hooting is an irritation, reserved for emergencies, here it is a necessary evil which helps to get you through the "jams". There is absolutely NO heeding of lane markings, and yet there are no, or very few, accidents! We were all terrified on our first few journeys, but now we have a wonderful driver, Kaku, who is most competent, and we just sit back and enjoy the ride (so to speak!).
The local politician's visit caused a lot of publicity .
She is apparently from a minority group and has done marvellous things for the development of Noida.
The awesome hand-crafted temple of Akshardham
Every available space is being used as a cricket ground at the moment.
This photo is unusual for three reasons: the driver is a woman; she is wearing a helmet and the female passenger is not sitting side-saddle!
These are a range of little shops in the service lane which runs in front of the studio where we are recording the album. There is a constant stream of traffic and customers. You can buy just about anything here and all prices (except at the more formal little supermarket where bar codes are used) are negotiable.
This gentleman spent the morning repairing his bed, and when we left at 19:30, he was settling in for the night in his little shop.
The local tailor who seems to be inundated with work: notice the piles of stuff next to him.
This is the actual service lane at a rare quiet moment. It is a two-way (but mostly three-way) road!
The park opposite the studio.
Contrasts as you enter Delhi:
Masses of laundry on the embankment next to the main road.
A picture speaks a thousand words. I just missed snapping a bicycle carrying FOUR full-sized refrigerators!
A political rally - not unlike those at home.
The famous India Gate which we sometimes pass if we go to Central Delhi
A very common site - people having breakfast pies along the pavements. In the evenings, people are having their supper from road-side stalls.
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